Hiya PeePzz WelCOme TO the Hard *coughs* Metallic *coughs Coughs* News!!! Todae *COUGH COUGH* hehe... Sry bout Tat!!! i do get Sick SOmeTyMes... Jux TaT the Weather Is bad Plus My Flu.. *coughs coughs* pardon ME... Ok now Wad to Sae??? Hmms.... I hAv A bad Sore ThrOat.... RefusIng To go to the Doc As I am AfraId to SpenD my Mum's Money... FeeLing Not Too baD so Nv go... StudyIn GeoGraPhy... Dun thInK wiLL do Well As Im LyK ~.~ Legs r WeaK toO... NvM... I WILL DO MY BEST!!! Even If It at Risk Of My liFe!!! hehe... LAme... siGh... ReaLLi DrowsY now... GoinG to ZzzzZz....hEheE... Metalman SigNinG off With a Foot Print On the FlooR... TO my DeaResT amElia Mei...- Not Tat I wanna Sae U... But Pls... do 4GeT boUt Ur PasT ... He AinT woRth Ur AtteNTION!!!!
Terence :~: 9:26 PM
Saturday, April 22, 2006
HiHi PeePzzzZ... WeLcomE to The AnCieNt RustY old Metallic NEwS.. Its ShadowHateMetal Reporting LiVE frOm PungGol CenTral.. Todae We Shall Look At Wad HappEnEd DurInG TereNce's SkooL Life... Ok First Stop... Its AboUt ThE StaTioN InsPecToR Rank!!! WoaH!!! WheN hE Got TaT ForM!!! Woah!! The EYE OF the TIGER!!! The FlamE alMost OverWheLmEd Me!!! AlmoSt MeltEd ME!!! *Phew* As i Was InterViewIng Him... He was VerI verI HappY!!! DynaMic!!! Then Wen The ResuLts Of thE pEopLe who r GOiNG FeR The SI(StatioN InsPecTor) InterView.... He DidNt WeNt In!! AwwWWww... TaTs SaD... I haD To crY wiTh Him BuT Then Life Goes On riTE!!! NevER GIV UP TERENCE!!!! MetalMAn's Gonna SuppoRT u!!! Ok Its ShadowHasteMetal signing OuT!!!! Ty fer Giving ur attention!! Stay TunEd!!!! Jamysic.... Im sry... Im too depressed To PosT!!! Im Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry.....( It Goes On) Char- ThanKs Fer CleaRiNG the COb WebSSSss